LANDD specializes in providing quality service to landowners and working through difficult situations to complete projects.

Turning land into monthly income


What is your land is worth?

Knowing what your land is worth is a big part of knowing when to hold and when to sell. We give a current market estimate as to what your land is worth.

What is the current market price for townhomes?

A part of our purpose is to empower land owners to turn their land into monthly income. Knowing how many homes you could trade your property for will fuel your decisions to sell or hold your land.

What will your monthly income be?

We provide a current and accurate estimate as to what your monthly income will be each month after all monthly property management and taxes are assessed.


How will this benefit you and your family?

Tough discussions arise when families are faced with deciding who is going to maintain shared land. This process will create a long lasting form of splittable income between multiple parties.

What is the process?

A landowner trades land for townhomes that will be managed by a third party property management company. These townhomes will provide longtime monthly income.

Discuss it with your stakeholders.

Having land in the family is a big deal. Knowing what to do with it can be a tough and emotional decision. We provide a PDF that will guide discussion in the avenue you decide to pursue.